Paul Reeve

Sky Blue Adventures

This is truly the trip of a lifetime. The diversity of India cannot be captured in a single visit, yet this itinerary takes you on a very special spiritual journey. From the silver-clad temple of Akshardham to the Monkey Temple of Hanuman, your time in Delhi will be spent exploring little-known gems. After an unforgettable overnight train journey, you will find yourself in the exiled home and temple of the Dalai Lama, in the foothills of the Himalayas.

An itinerary like no other, we will also whisk you away to the iconic Taj Mahal, to celebrate the culmination of the tour!

However, all of these delights pale into insignificance compared to your trek up into the snowy Himalayas. This is the true awe-inspiring part of your journey! Over five days you will make your way along donkey tracks, past ramshackle villages where friendly children giggle and shy ladies in beautiful saris tend to their goats and cows. You will camp next to clear, babbling springs, under skies full of stars. As you ascend into the mountains, breathtaking vistas will open up before you and you will finally understand the majesty of the Himalayas.